xBOW Pools
Staking Pools are the simplest way to earn free tokens on ArcherSwap. Stake xBOW, earn free tokens.
Some special pools let you stake other tokens besides BOW, too!
How to stake in Staking Pools?
Convert your BOW to xBOW.
Stake token
1.Select the pools you wish to stake xBOW.
2.Click 'Approve Contract'.
3.Click 'Stake' and enter the amount of token, then click 'Confirm'.
4.Confirm the transaction in your wallet.
5.Done! You can click 'View on https://scan.coredao.org/' to see your transaction details.
Unstake token
1. Select the pools you wish to unstake.
2. Click '-(Unstake)' and enter the amount of token, then click 'Confirm'.
3. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.
4. Done! You can click 'View on https://scan.coredao.org/' to see your transaction details.
1. Select the pools you wish to harvest.
2. Click 'Harvest'.
3. Check the details, and click 'Confirm'.
4. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.
5. Done! You can click 'View on https://scan.coredao.org/' to see your transaction details.
Last updated